David Brown Testimony

In April of 2005 I had an experience that has profoundly changed my perception of the world in which I live. Having been an active member of the Hill Cumorah Expedition Team for over a year, I traveled with the group to Tuxtepec, Mexico in the spring of 2005. We made spiritual preparations all year by holding regular fasts and periodic special services for the purpose of asking for God's guidance in the effort to recover artifacts and records that will verify the historical aspects of the Book of Mormon. Our whole group participated in sharing inspiration that the Spirit of God had revealed throughout the year and it was with great anticipation that the group prepared to leave for Hill Cumorah. We traveled to Mexico with the hope of finding artifacts that testified to God's work in the last days, what we found was God openly interacting with us and answering prayers through the people of the valley next to Cumorah.

As we prepared for the trip, we found ourselves increasingly aware that God had something specific and wonderful prepared for us. The continued inspiration from various members of the group grew and became more defined as the time of leaving for the trip approached. Each meeting brought another facet of revelation and increased our sense of expectation. All of this culminated with a Service of Blessing held a couple of days prior to the trip. It was at this service that we each received a blessing specific to our desires. From this service was born the message of the trip and the blessing that God had prepared for us all.

The trip down to Mexico was mostly uneventful. A four-hour delay at the border because of paperwork issues, a wrong turn in Satillo, Mexico and we found ourselves driving through Mexico City at midnight and finally arriving in Puebla at about 2 AM Saturday morning. We arrived in Tuxtepec about four in the afternoon on Saturday. We acquired our rooms and then Mike Brown and Neil Steede headed out to visit with the landowner to get permission to access the trail to Hill Cumorah. Shortly after they left, Ron VanFleet, Tim Brown and I met to go over the service we were planning to hold on the hill Sunday and we felt impressed to pray for Mike and Neil as they were meeting with the landowner. Each of us said a prayer asking for angelic presence and that all would go smoothly. We later learned that the meeting between Neil and the landowner was exceptionally cordial and they experienced a warmth that was notable. God does answer prayers.

Later that evening I met with Forrest Liggett to briefly discuss what each of us had prepared for the service on Sunday. Forrest asked what I was bringing. I quickly replied that I was bringing a collection of scriptures and something that I feel God had been preparing me to bring for some years. I stated that what I was to share was a mystery that God had revealed to my understanding. I felt it was my purpose to share this mystery and do all I could to remove the doubt that tends to cloud our minds so that nothing would stand in our way and miracles could be performed. Forrest shared that he felt the needed to call for angelic protection and to prepare a challenge for the group to meditate and experience God through nature. I sensed at that point that we had been both been prepared to share and be a part of a much larger purpose.

Sunday morning April 3rd, 2005 was overcast but there was no precipitation. We drove the forty miles to Hill Cumorah and climbed up to a fairly flat clearing that looked out over the entire valley including the river and the City of Jalapa de Diaz. We all gathered, sang hymns, Forrest cleansed each of us with a smudge of white sage and then he opened with a prayer calling for the protection of legions of angels to surround the mountain and bless our efforts. He prayed for warrior angels, ministering angels, guardian angels, and healing angels.

I gave my presentation concerning the mysteries of God, of the light of Christ and the literal reality of light, truth, righteousness, and love. Forrest then read scripture, spoke about the promise of the mysteries of God being revealed when a person recognizes the simple truth that God can not lie. Then we all received instruction to move to our places of meditation and to reassemble in an hour, signified by singing of those who had reassembled. Before that hour was complete, police came to the hill to escort Neil Steede to see the Mayor. Forrest Liggett insisted on accompanying Neil and the two of them left our assembly on the hill as the rest of the group continued to sing hymns of praise.

Once Neil and Forrest had made their way down the hill Ron VanFleet began the communion portion of our service, but not until there were several prayers offered on behalf of Neil and Forrest that they would be kept safe and that the purposes of God would be realized. Neil's testimony reveals that God did answer those prayers and so much more.

Once we partook of communion I had an experience that I have only had a few times in my life. While reaching and partaking of the bread I sensed a true bowing down of my spirit. As I ingested the bread my body shook and the tears flowed as my soul recognized the love that my Savior has for humanity. I was humbled to a point of having no thoughts but being completely open to the teachings of His Spirit. I was truly being "still"; understanding that He is God. During the ensuing song and prayer service I offered a prayer of heartfelt appreciation for His presence and continual efforts to claim His children; I being one of them.

We left the Hill about 4:30 that afternoon and headed to the City of Jalapa to find our companions. We found them being detained and they informed us that we should probably leave before we became guilty by association and detained as my brother Mike Brown and Friend Jerry Stoner had already become detained. We left to return to Tuxtepec and during those evening hours we said several prayers. In fact, Ron VanFleet spent most of the evening by himself acting as a prayer warrior for Neil and the group.

We got sketchy information from Jalapa as we received info the long way around. It seemed that the cell phone reception from Jalapa to Tuxtepec was terrible so Mike Brown was calling his wife in Buckner, MO to update her as to what was happening and she was then calling Tim Brown in Tuxtepec to relay the information. By 8:45 that evening we understood that they were all staying in Jalapa; Mike and Forrest in a hotel and Neil and Jerry in Jerry's truck camper. We were told that they would be returning in the morning to collect their Passports and other papers to show the officials.

I found Ron VanFleet outside the front of the hotel and told him that I had an update on the group in Jalapa. Before I could go any further Ron said that they had been released and were on their way back. I told him that we had just received word from Linda Brown that they would be spending the night in Jalapa. It seemed that Ron did not know how to take this news because it was in conflict with what he felt inside, but I noticed that he was gracious and thanked me for the information. About twenty minutes later we got word that our members were on their way to Tuxtepec with a sick girl who needed care for a snakebite. I understood immediately that what Ron had been told in the spirit was accurate before any of us knew--God does reveal to those who pray to Him. I testify that Ron VanFleet was given this information by inspiration during prayer before any of us in Tuxtepec had received word of our group members returning on Sunday evening.

About 10:15 a car pulled up in the parking lot of our hotel. Out stepped a man and a young lady whose head was draped. The rest of the family followed out of the car. Then Jerry Stoner's truck pulled in with Neil Steede, Forrest Liggett, and Mike Brown and behind that was a truck with police officers from Jalapa. We had been forewarned of the coming entourage and so we had set out a chair under the carport of the hotel for the young lady to sit, and we had collected all of our medical supplies in preparation for whatever we might be able to supply medically.

With Neil Steede as translator we soon discovered the young lady had already received anti-venom for the snakebite she had received the day before, but she complained of several ailments that had the family feeling anxious and worried. Our medically trained members consulted and then gave some advice for the family. Then we offered to pray for their daughter. Jerry Stoner gave a prayer asking for God to forgive our sins and grant a blessing, and then he called upon the presence of healing angels for this young lady. Three of our ministers placed their hands on the head of the young lady and said prayers of healing while the rest of us joined hands and knelt in a circle around the elders and this young lady. We included the family and the taxi driver in our circle as the prayers were offered. As they left, the young lady had already reported that she was feeling better.

The next two days were amazing. Monday morning the Mayor of Jalapa came to our hotel in Tuxtepec. He had heard of the events of the previous evening and he offered his apologies. Neil offered him breakfast and they talked for two hours about issues that concerned the Mayor who wanted to know if we could help. Neil was able to speak with the Mayor about why we were in Jalapa and the importance of the hill that rises above his town.

Later that day as we were preparing to leave for Jalapa two reporters came in and sat down to interview Neil and the rest of our group as to the events of the previous day. While the reporters were there two more individuals came in that were from Gobernacion, the Federal arm of the government that is equivalent to our State Department. They also wanted a recounting of the events of the previous day and wanted to know if we had any intentions on reporting this event to our State Department. Neil and the others gave assurances that no one had any such intentions. Then Neil was able to convey to them the importance of the Hill and why it was important to everyone in the State of Oaxaca.

Before Monday was complete we had announced to the local Mayor, the officials of the State of Oaxaca and the Federal Government of Mexico why we were in Mexico and why it was important for them to know what we were doing. If and when these artifacts are found we now have given notice to every branch of the Mexican Government that will be involved. We have provided them with the knowledge that there are artifacts of historical importance and we have offered them a plan on how they can be dispatched in an acceptable manner to benefit all parties involved. All parties who heard this seemed excited and agreeable to the proposal. And, this was not accomplished by our efforts but in the strange and marvelous way that God reveals His will. We only placed ourselves in the place to allow His Spirit to guide and direct and He brought these important people to us. He even announced this to the population of the area by means of the newspaper articles that were written. This was truly God's design and His work.

The rest of the week was time spent fighting jungle, enjoying the fireflies in the evening, time spent in prayer and exploring the base of the Hill Cumorah. I will mention that on Thursday evening, as we were having our devotions before night fell on the camp, during the prayers I sensed a personage close by. The feeling was so strong that I felt that someone would be walking into our camp any moment. It was a person or spirit or angel--something very strong and very close. Nothing ever appeared to me. But I know it was there.

Saturday afternoon during devotions as our spirits were beginning to drop from not having found the cave or any hint of important artifacts, we talked about asking for direction from God. It was suggested that we ask God for direction in a specific form such as in a dream, a vision, or some form of inspiration. That night I prayed for a dream and as I awoke on Sunday morning I had received that dream.

Sunday April 10th we had another communion service at base camp. Neil Steede had the opportunity to bring us all up to speed concerning the events of the week that had occurred in the town of Jalapa. He testified to the moving of the Spirit as it guided and directed him in ways he could not have accomplished on his own.

I then shared my dream with the group. In my dream I found myself with a small group of close friends in a hardened bunker or secure area. There was someone of commanding rank who was directing the activity of the group in the bunker and he called three of us to accompany him. We walked out and got in a small car and traveled out of the compound. I saw that we were approaching a desert area from the east traveling to the west. I saw the sky in the west was getting darker, not from the setting of the sun but from the gathering of clouds and an impending storm. The car stopped and the commander ordered me to get out. I got out of the car with a huge spool of wire over my shoulder and I climbed the pole in front of me that had insulators on the top of it. The commander was shouting at me to string the wire and I saw the line of poles heading from where I was to as far as I could see to the west.

When I awoke I knew the interpretation to the dream. I knew that we as a small group had been commanded to leave our safe bunker in the middle of the United States. We were commanded to go into the desert places and establish the means of communication before the storms hit. It is important for us to be in Jalapa and the surrounding areas to establish the lines of communication that will be necessary when the artifacts are found and are brought forth. Even though we had not found the artifacts we were doing God's work by interacting and witnessing to the local people. We were laying the foundation for some important work yet to be accomplished.

Tim Brown then read a letter of inspiration that was written by Evangelist John Gorker. The letter was specifically written and sealed for a time when Tim felt it was right to read it. He opened it on Saturday when our spirits were so low. He now read it to the entire group and the message contained again affirmed the moving of God's Spirit for it called us to minister to God's children and to establish the love of Christ in the lives of the people who live in the shadow of this mountain. We took this as a sign that artifacts were not the purpose of this trip--it was the people of Jalapa and the message of love that Christ offers to all.

My testimony is that God works in ways that are beyond our comprehension. As servants of our Lord we can only follow the leading of His Spirit, answer the call to prepare and dare to place ourselves in the place to be used. I stand in awe every time I think over the events of this spring. He is an awesome God who beckons us to be still and know, then move out in faith.