In the spring of 2005 the Hill Cumorah Expedition Team again traveled to Mexico with new information concerning the location of the records. Having exhausted all efforts to open the cave by human means, the team built on the spiritual experience of the final 2004 prayer service when the tablet was uncovered and spent most of a year in spiritual preparation as well as logistical preparation for the 2005 trip.
The continuing theme throughout the year was to prepare ourselves in spirit as well as body to receive the inspiration we needed to find the plates. The team continued to work on testing items found, interpreting the writing from the tablet found in 2004, and witnessing of God's hand in the work we are doing.
In early 2005 new information surfaced concerning the location of a cave on the mountainside. This information came just as the four witnesses involved in the 2004 tablet discovery had finished writing a formal testimony as to God's inspired way of unveiling the tablet. Deeming this as no coincidence, it added weight to the new found cave information and from that point forward the preparation became more expectant both in logistical terms and spiritual terms.
Our plan for 2005 was to spend the first day on the mountain in a daylong fast. This was to be accomplished by having several services on the hill throughout the day. From the moment we held our first service God took charge of the events for the week and revealed His will through miraculous means. Please take the time to read the several testimonies provided so that you too can witness how God reveals His will in strange and marvelous ways.
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